Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Ever since Lance and I found out we were having a girl, I have been asked many times if Ellsie will be our last child. There is a very tired part of me that screams YES!!! That is, until I think of my sister. What if Ellsie never has that? Here is a little look back on Jenny and I.

This picture makes me laugh because I look like Ryder in a girl clown costume, and poor little Jenny didn't want to be the dog!

Christmas morning 1983

Cross-country meet 1991. Nice knobby knees and Ferra Faucet hair!

This was Jenny's FAVORITE sweater! I'm not bad myself with the blow dryer earrings!

Holy Fro's. Did I mention Spokane is a little more humid than Phoenix?

We had a great time together! I feel very blessed to have her and I am so glad we now live in the same ward. Our kids are best friends and I couldn't ask for a better sister. How can I deprive Ellsie of this? :)


Shelby said...

That's the spirit honey. Let's hope one of our next four is a girl. (Lance)

Herbert Family said...

Most days I totally want to be done too but I always think I wanna give Rylyn a sister. I never had a sister and wished that I had. I feel like I need to give her one. But whats the chance I will get another girl next and you too:-)

Shannon said...

Awww love those pics!!!!

Jesmyluk said...

What you and your sister have is so sweet and precious. Count yourself very lucky, for even though I have a sister too, we are not nearly as close as we should or could be because we have very different personalities and a completely different belief system. Good luck when or if you do try for baby#5. I hope it is a girl.

AlfreySlice said...

Fur cute!! Stacy needs to read your blog! She is so afraid of having two girls in a row that she is utilizing the chinese calender to conceive a boy next! You two are so cute! (so 5 kids huh? way to take one for the team!)

The Bluths said...

Aw man those pictures are awesome!!

I have a sister, but she is the oldest and I'm the youngest so we never really got along.

AnnaMarie said...

My only question is how can you guarantee Ellsie this?! There is something to say about having them close together. I didn't ever feel the closeness you reference to Andrea because there were 5 years as well as 2 boys between us. Who knows.

ScennyLloyd said...

I did hate being the dog...seriously nobby knees...and that sweater rocks(it was purple with sparkley thread woven through)! Love your watch in that pic by the way:)

Brooke said...

Ohhhhh....this is the BEST post ever!! Loved all the pictures! There is nothing like a sister, that is for sure!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! So does that mean you are going to have another one??? Those pictures are hilarious!

Jenna said...

Oh thank you so much for posting those pictures, they made my day! There's nothing better than pictures from the 80's/90's. My sister was 13 years older, so it's just been in the last few years that we have gotten closer. I'm anxious to see what happens with my 2 girls.

Arianne Pearce said...

Ahhh- I have seriously wondered that same thing. I have one sister and I do want that for Ellie as well... who knows.

Danny and Jessica Matson said...

Those pictures are priceless. I'm glad you posted them. It is always fun to see what people looked like. Don't think I would have the guts to post mine. How cute!

Rachel said...

About that Halloween picture...Need I remind you that what happens in Deer Park (which, judging by the fake wood walls, is where that picture was taken) should stay in Deer Park with the trailers and meth labs. That lion looks pretty kick-ass though. Sorry, there goes that spirit Lance was talking about. (Ricky)